Thanks ever so much for all your support for the night. It went down a storm.
Mick, thanks for putting us up mate, hope the sailing club benefitted from the night. The time and effort you've put in has been unbelievable.
Bar staff, Mick, Andy, Simon, the girls and the rest, thanks for putting a shift in!. Was no easy task given how busy it was. I can't thankyou enough!. Not to forget Sian on glass collecting. If there are others not mentioned, apologies.
The Shambolics were absolutely top draw!. Real top blokes the lot of them giving up their time to come down and play. We hope this is one of many performances! Rod, your brother can come again! What a guitarist! And definitely the better looking one!
And thanks to every single one of you who made the effort to come down and support the charity (Alzheimers) genuinely chuffed that there are so many of you out there than can help!. That obviously extends to people outside of the rowing club too!
Money raised so far - £735.59. Bar percentage to be added on top once it's counted!. Absolutely brilliant.