Launching and landing procedure
Procedure for LAUNCHING boats from Wisemans Bridge Beach:
- Check Tide Tables above or on the notice board outside pub.
- If the tide is coming IN park the quadbike and trailer at the far end access point to beach up on the pebbles.
- Fill in white board on the trailer with details ie; persons onboard/direction heading/duration.
- If tide is LOW always launch in line with end of pub (least rocky area)
- If there is ANY swell / waves present, remove the boat from the trailer and turn around on the beach so Bow pointing out to sea ready for launch.
- If turning the boat while floating ensure NO persons are broadside in case the boat flips over!
- Ensure plug is inserted, and that the oars are fitted with the gates closed.
- The cox will be the last person in boat and will instruct all to row IMMEDIATELY so as to get away from shore BEFORE adjusting feet.
Procedure for LANDING boats on Wisemans Bridge Beach:
- If the tide is LOW always come ashore in line with end of pub (least rocky)
- Always come in straight ahead never at an angle.
- Cox to ensure prior to landing 3 and 4 pull oars in and get ready to jump out on opposite sides to pull boat to safety (Minimise damage on stones)
- NEVER come in onto shore too quickly! Dip oars to reduce speed if required (COX HAS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS)