The Welsh Sea Rowing Association recognises the following categories in league events:
Senior - this is effectively an open class. Men and women are permitted to row in senior crews. It is also permissible, but not necessarily advisable, for junior rowers to row in senior crews.
Senior Veterans - As for senior rowing, but with the added condition that all rowing crew are over 40 years of age on the day of racing. Coxes are exempt from this rule.
Senior Supaveterans - A senior crew in which the total age of all rowing crew is over 200 years (i.e. 50+ average age). Coxes are not included in this age total.
Ladies - All rowing crew must be female. Coxes may be either male or female.
Ladies Veterans - All rowing crew members must be female and over the age of 40 on the day of racing.
Ladies Supaveterans - A female crew in which the total age of all rowing crew is over 200 years (i.e. 50+ average age). Coxes are not included in this age total.
Mixed - At least half the rowing crew must be female. Rowers may row in any configuration. Cox may be either male or female.
Mixed Veterans - All rowing crew members must over the age of 40 on the day of racing. At least half the rowing crew must be female. Rowers may row in any configuration. Cox may be either male or female.
Mixed Supaveterans - A mixed crew in which the total age of all rowing crew is over 200 years (i.e. 50+ average age). Coxes are not included in this age total.
U18 Open - All crew members must be 18 or under at end of season i.e. 30th September. Boys and Girls may row in open crews.
U16 Open - All crew members must be 16 or under at end of season i.e. 30th September. Boys and Girls may row in open crews.
U18 Girls - All crew members must be female and 18 or under at end of season i.e. 30th September.
U16 Girls - All crew members must be female and 16 or under at end of season i.e. 30th September.
U18 Boys - All crew members must be male and 18 or under at end of season i.e. 30th September.
U16 Boys - All crew members must be male and 16 or under at end of season i.e. 30th September.
Juniors race at the age they will be at the end of the season ie 30 September. For example, a person born on 1 October 1995 will still be 18 on 30 September 2014 so is eligible to race Under 18's for the 2014 season.
Juniors must be 14 before they are permitted to row in any junior race.
Due to the small number of junior crews racing, there are no mixed categories in junior racing. A crew consisting of male and female junior rowers (any number in any configuration) may race as an Open crew in the relevant age category. Junior crews will be designated by the oldest rower. Under 16 rowers may row in Under 18 events. All junior categories race in the same event. Therefore 'doubling up' of rowers is not possible. It is not advised that juniors 'double up' in junior and senior races, although this is not banned.
Non-WSRA races may have different rules concerning categories (particularly juniors). Please check regulations before entering crews.
Novice crews - race at the same time as Junior crews. The novice crews have no restrictions on gender and no age categories. Novices races do not earn league points.
Senior - As per longboat rules. May consist of 1x, 2x, or 4x.
Ladies - As per longboat rules. May consist of 1x, 2x, or 4x.
Mixed - As per longboat rules. May consist of 2x, or 4x.
Yoles will race in the same races as the relevant category in longboat races. There is no breakdown of Yole size for league points due to the small number of competing boats.
WSRA Rules of Racing
This page provides competitors with the basic rules they need to follow in order to compete fairly in WSRA League Races. If more detailed information is required the following two documents will help race organisers and officials.
WSRA-Racing-Rules.pdf. This document provides detailed rules and the penalties that can be imposed for not following them and for unsportsmanlike behaviour.
Before racing
Crews will be registered before the start of the event. Unregistered crews must not take to the water during events
Crews will declare their WSRA points category at registration. This cannot be changed once racing is underway.
All boats must display their correct number on the hull in a legible size.
All boats must be seaworthy to race.
All crew members must have paid their WSRA personal levy/affiliation fee and be registered with the WSRA membership secretary. Crews consisting of non-affiliated members will not be allowed to race and will be disqualified.
All crews must send a representative to the coxes' briefing. All local rules explained in this meeting must be abided by.
Race starts
All crews are to take to the water promptly when asked to do so.
Crews should form a line between 2 start markers (2 buoys or 1 buoy and 1 start boat). Crews may start behind the line but not in front of it. Penalties may be applied to crews jumping the start line (see organising events).
Yoles will start a one end of the start line.
When crews are resembling a line, the race organisers will signal a 'ready' alert (identified in coxes' briefing) and the raising of the race flag. Racing may start at any point after this.
The start of the race will be signalled by the dropping of the race flag and the sounding of a hooter.
All coxes must wear lifejackets.
All junior crew members must wear lifejackets. U18s must wear a lifejacket even when rowing with a senior crew.
During the race
The race will take the course outlined in the coxes' briefing. A lead boat will lead the rowing boats around the course and will display the following flags:
Green flag - Racing under way. Course as advertised.
Yellow flag - Racing under way. Course altered. Follow lead boat against advertised course.
Red flag - Race cancelled. Follow lead boat to shore. Do not hinder progress of other boats.
Overtaking boats must yield to the crew being overtaken. The leading crew has priority (except under certain circumstances - see buoy turns). An overtaking crew becomes the leading crew once overtaking has been fully completed and clear water is obtained.
Oar overlap is permissible, but the crew being overtaken has priority and should not be obstructed by clashing oars.
Ramming from any direction is prohibited.
Weaving and other unsportsmanlike behaviour is prohibited.
Buoy turns
Priority at any turn is determined 3 boat lengths from the turn.
At 3 boat lengths, if there is any overlap between 2 crews, the inside crew (i.e. crew closest to the buoy when turning) has priority. The outside crew must yield to the inner crew and not impede their progress.
At 3 boat lengths, if there is clear water (i.e. no overlap) between the 2 crews, the leading crew has priority. The chasing crew must yield to the leading crew and not impede their progress.
As the distance to the buoy decreases, it is likely any gap will shorten or disappear due to the lead crew slowing for the turn. If the chasing crew catches the lead crew and gains inside overlap inside 3 boat lengths, the chasing crew must still yield at the turn.
The crew with priory may take any course around the buoy unimpeded.
The above rules will cascade through the field. It is possible that a leading crew may have to yield to the crew in 4th or 5th position under some circumstances.
An official boat may be stationed on buoy turns to ensure correct procedures are followed. Crews found to obstruct other crews holding priority may have points/positions docked or be disqualified entirely. This is at the discretion of the league official at the race.
Appeals and Objections
Appeals and objections should be addressed to the race referee immediately after the race (see organising events).
Download: wsraracingrules2017.pdf