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Saturday 23rd April 2016

The Wisey Crew

THE RETURN OF THE CLEDDAU 12mile -  SATURDAY 23RD APRIL 2016   CAPTAIN'S LOG STARDATE - Crews turned up early for The Return of The Cleddau, a 12 mile race with a new route for 2016, starting at Neyland with a buoy turn at Black Tar and returning to Neyland.  It was going to be a good day, the glorious sunshine was here to grace us at last and all was well...except for Simon's driving, 'Look out for that boat Si!'

We had made it through the coxes brief without incident! With a complex description of the start line, the rest seemed pretty straightforward, the wind and tide would be against us going up river, but hopefully the return journey would be a lot easier.  It would also depend on a lot of luck in finding the good water.

 Ladies boats were away first and there was already a clash on the start line between Llanion and PYC, after a 5 min delay, the mixed boats set off.  Nick had a good line as they battled their way towards the bridge.  This was to be Mick's first race and it wasn't going to be easy.  As they reached the bridge, they could see the men's boats had also started and were flying towards them.  As the mixed boat reached the first bend at Llanion, the Llanion men's boat had already caught up, but they had managed to start pulling away from the two Barry mixed boats.  Keeping to the shallows and away from the fast water, Llanion's second men's boat was creeping up on the inside.  They were having none of it, Nick had Langston in his sights and was in the process of running them aground before Bryony pointed out the error of His ways.

 The Mixed boat carried on up river picking off the ladies boats one by one, while at the same time enjoying the wildlife...lovely swans and a great duck impression by Nick!  After the pretty easy buoy turn, the mixed boat headed back towards Neyland not long after spotting the men's boat on their way to the buoy, hot on the heels of PYC ladies.

 Although the water was now on our side, it certainly didn't feel like it!  The beautifully coxed boat gained rapidly on the Towy boat with Bryony's Celtic Team mates in spitting distance.  Unfortunately, with no changes, the crew were starting to tire and Towy pulled away again.  As they headed for the bridge, the mixed boat caught sight of the men's boat in the distance, this was too much for Coxswain Nick, his team had worked too hard to let them catch up now, and with cries of 'Here come the Boys!' the mixed crew regained their former strength and with a spectacular race to the finish, they were again hot on the heels of Towy.  As the mixed boat neared the finish line, they could here the cheers from the Wiseman's Supporters and spotted the row of blue coats on the shoreline, it was a great boost, but not quite enough as Towy just pipped them at the post, and in the excitement Nick had even forgotten to show his number.  It had been a fantastic row as the Mixed Super Vets, 'Wiseman's Tools' rolled in at 2hrs 2mins 13secs, coming second in class and 12th overall.  Within 2 mins the men's boat, 'The Dick Squad' also sailed past the finish in a time of 1hr 59mins 11secs coming 10th overall.

 It had been a really great day, with Nick finally getting to run a boat aground, unfortunately it was ours and we had to get out and walk the rest of the way!  Mick had his cherry popped in his first ever race and had rowed like a demon.  We had cleaned up in the raffle, winning 4 of the prizes, of which Nick had very generously donated the showergel and handcream sets to a down-and-out South African gentleman...no hard feelings Phil eh? Thanks to everyone who attended, especially the towers Bryony and Nigel, the coxes Nick and Johnny, and Captain Dan for organising...well done everyone!!


Mens Cox.....................Simon Collings

Mens Stroke................Johnny Dunton

Mens No.2...................Daniel McDermott
Mens No.3...................Richard Hall
Mens Bow....................Rod Haynes
Mens Mascot...............Elvie Collings

Mixed Cox.....................Nick Ryan
Mixed Stroke.................Nikki Nelson
Mixed No.2....................Nigel Gwyther
Mixed No.3....................Mick Lightwood
Mixed Bow.....................Bryony Jones
Mixed Mascot................Lacey Hodgeson
Cheerleader #1..............Diane Hodgeson
Cheerleader #2..............Judy Lightwood
Special Guest.................Angela Wood

Team Captain.................Daniel McDermott
Towing............................Nigel Gwyther

             ............................Bryony Jones
Hair/Make-up.................Nikki Nelson
Music..............................Guns n' Roses